Glass chandelier hanging from a pink ceiling (It reminds me of Legally Blonde. Or a barbie dream house in the 17th century)

Room floor to ceiling. Classy. Except for our luggage on the floor... Not so classy.

Closeup of the carpet. And Becca. My favorite. :)

These are the neatest elevators! They are about 3 feet wide and maybe 5 feet long, and they have a bench. It seems like these types of elevators are very common in Vienna. I guess if it's not broken, you don't have to fix it! America would do well to embrace that philosophy.
I took pictures of my home for the next three months! I love it, so I hope you will! :)

Bre's room + Bre.

My room. Its about as wide as my bed is long :)

Kind of hard to see because the sun was shining in on the camera while it was trying to do it's thing... But this is a little living space for us. We have a couch, bookshelf, desk and radio! Frau Schauer takes good care of us :)

This is our cute little bathroom, the toilet actually is not in this room. There is a separate closet for the toilet down a few stairs. (remind me to take a picture of the turquoise spiral staircase. It's pretty rad)

And Voila! Frau Schauer's adorable little house :) I wanted a photo full- on, but the tree was in the way.

112 Spiesingerstrasse! My favorite home in Vienna.

The beautiful street we live on. You don't see trees in the city, so it's nice to go home to some foliage and a little reminder of home!
Today was supposed to be a picture day in the city.. Unfortunately, my camera ran out of battery before I could photograph everything I wanted. It's good I have three months here!! :)

This is a typical Viennese Straße (Street). This particular one is between the major shopping center and our school.

This is the riding school. You can probably see that it is adorned with sculptures and cast iron statues (That is pretty normal for most of the buildings). They are pretty big on horseback riding here, and they have a ton of horse drawn carriages. I think a few of us are planning on going in on a carriage ride sometime in the future :)
(this is when my camera died and I went home to charge it.) I definitely suffered from rapid weather change today. This morning at 8, it was 72 degrees outside, decided to climb a little higher to about... 90, then it rained and dropped to 60ish. Maybe a little lower. I'm hoping it will stay nice and cool so I don't run out of clothes as fast!
Our Professor that came on the trip (Professor Minert) took us to a ferris wheel for our "Experiencing Vienna" course. This ferris wheel was the tallest one in the world when it was built, so it was a pretty big deal! you can overlook all of Vienna at the top, so we thought it was a pretty big deal, too.

(this is a momentous picture. This is the first time I have actual proof of me being in Vienna! Just thought I would throw that out there)

This is Stefansdom. A few of us are going up on Saturday to overlook Vienna from inside :) (sorry it's blurry. I will get a better picture later. The glass on the ferris wheel car wouldn't let me use the flash...)

These are all looking over Vienna from the top of the ferris wheel.

These are looking at the fun little amusement park the ferris wheel was in.

This is a ride (it's dark, I'm sorry!) that you can also overlook the city. I didn't go on it today because I want to ride it tomorrow night because I hear the city lights are gorgeous! :)
Location:Vienna, Austria
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